We need to fix our democracy
Our mission is clear
Pushing back against Farage…
and the rise of authoritarian populism.
Educating and inspiring…
more ordinary people to understand and use their democratic rights.
Replacing First Past the Post with a proportional system...
that ensures we have a Parliament that reflects how people vote.
Eliminating 'dark money'…
from UK politics.
Combatting the spread of disinformation…
in the public debate.
Petition Campaign
Keep Trump Out of Parliament
Donald Trump would be the first world
leader in history to receive more than one State Visit. Add your name and tell the Speaker that Trump does not deserve the privilege to address our Parliament.
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Stay up-to-date on the issues that matter
Our report on Democratic practices for the 21st Century
In an era of rapid technological advancement and shifting societal expectations, the traditional mechanisms of democracy must evolve to remain effective and inclusive.

Free But Not Fair: British elections and how to restore trust in politics
Read our joint report with Fair Vote UK on behalf of the All-Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) on Fair Elections, prioritising a fair electoral system, eliminating dark money, and combatting the spread of disinformation.