about us

We are

Open Britain is a grassroots movement, hundreds of thousands strong, fighting to make democracy work for everyone.

This is strengthening, something, something of Democracy.

We want the Democratic engine running smoothly. Fair, just, and clear laws ensure that every part of the system operates.


These are the oil that keeps the engine running smoothly. Fair, just, and clear laws ensure that every part of the system operates

Warrick Buffer

These are the oil that keeps the engine running smoothly. Fair, just, and clear laws ensure that every part of the system operates

Charlotte Manger

These are the oil that keeps the engine running smoothly. Fair, just, and clear laws ensure that every part of the system operates

Benji Grange

Get in touch if you are able to get involved in or would like to know more about our work

Get in touch if you are able to get involved in or would like to know more about our work

Get in touch if you are able to get involved in or would like to know more about our work