Make 2025 a year of progress
Your donation will directly support Open Britain’s efforts to restore trust in UK democracy in 2025, delivering clean and fair elections where all votes count.
Our current system produces distorted results and unrepresentative governments, with ordinary people’s priorities often ignored.
Our mission is to:
1. Push back against Farage and the rise of authoritarian populism.
2. Educate and inspire more ordinary people to understand and use their democratic rights.
3. Replace First Past the Post with a proportional system that ensures we have a Parliament that reflects how people vote.
4. Eliminate ‘dark money’ from UK politics.
5. Combat the spread of disinformation in public debate.
Per month
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It is only by fixing our democracy that we can achieve the stable, responsive government needed to address the fundamental challenges our country faces.
Your support is vital as we fight for this urgent democratic change.
Thank you!